Korporativna identiteta

Ustvarjamo blagovne znamke


Quality and effort visible in the visual communication gives users credibility of the brand. Words are no longer needed as trust is automatic.


The point of design is it's usability. Designs and design applications must first be usable, so that the users recognise the intent and use it without questioning or being in the dark.

Uporabniška izkušnja

Good design means good user experience where your users use your material without trouble and get the message wit no effort, but mos importantly answer to the call you are setting.

Občutek pripadnosti

An identity and a subsequent brand create a sense of belonging for both users and employees as they develop feelings that go beyond the basic product or work relationship.

Občutek namena

A good identity will fill you with a sense of purpose, it will give you a clearer vision and mission and it will all join it under one roof of the brand, you are creating.

Manj stroškov, več uspeha

Over time a good identity saves a lot of money just based on higher success. Better communication means less communication, faster processes based on design experience means less time, and all that means more success and less expenses.

Domdesign Logo

Vaša vstopna točka v blagovno znamko

Brezkompromisna natančnost konstruiranja, brezčasne izvedbe in petindajsetletne izkušnje prinašajo rezultat, ki bo vašo blagovno znako dvignil na profesionalen nivo. Z Domdesign logotipom boste pridobili svetovni ugled in kredibilnost tako pri naročnikih, kot interno pri zaposlenih.

Celostna podoba Tri lučke

Ustvarjanje vzdrževanje kvalitete

We are solely interested in creating quality and top notch products that are timeless and work for a long time, without needing to change it. We create foundations for a real trademark. With our support and upgrading mentality, we help you evolve your image long after it is created, therefore ensuring it is only growing.

Za začetnike in profesionalce

Domdesign Image

Celostna podoba in logotip kot vstopna točka vaše blagovne znamke

Brezkompromisna natančnost konstruiranja

Celostna podoba Kostak Skupina

Podoba se bo izboljševala skozi čas

By working with us even after the completion of the project, we will always stay on top of your design, so we will upgrade it with the advancement of technology and standards, as well as recent trends, we will technically improve it and the change will be seen in the end result and in usage.


Dober dizajn prinaša resnične rezultate

With good corporate identity, image and design, your company will be highly credible and use of words will not be needed. Most of your clients never may see your business offices, but they see and recognise you through your design. When the design is supreme, your company gains trust that goes over the need of excessive sales. Brands sell their products automatically.

Predstavljen projekt

Gasilska zveza Krško

Celostna grafična podoba

december 2024

Slogan poganja blagovno znamko

Slogan znamke nam z manj pove več in z združitvijo številnih produktov in storitev znamke pod enim enostavno zapomnljivim geslom, poganja komunikacijo blagovne znamke. Poleg logotipa in imena znamke, je slogan naslednji v vrsti pri prepoznavanju blagovne znamke.

Slogan je vedno del našega procesa snovanja blagovnih znamk in rezultata korporativne identitete.

Celostna podoba Lumal

Logotip je vstopna točka v blagovno znamko

Every brand. has a logo that represents it. It is the visual representation of all of the information known about the brand and information, products, services, norms, ideas that you create get baked into the logo. Every time you see the brand logo you automatically know everything about that brand. To start a brand, first step is to create a logo.

TMS Brežice

Znamke prodajajo produkte avtomatsko

Brands are recognisable in the mind and gain automatic trust so building a repetitive and recognisable identity is a foundation stone to your brand. People trast brands and already know everything about the product of the brand, so they buy it on the base of the knowledge and emotion. Products are sold every time, a brand only once.

Celostna podoba Lekarna Sevnica

Zakaj potrebujete profesionalno identiteto?

Communication is the key to successful operation and visual communication along functionality represents a big part of it. It creates a foundation for a brand, it gives credibility, trust and recognisability to the users and clients as well as sense of belonging to your personnel.


Creative Image

Profesionalne aplikacije celostne podobe


Spletna cena

22,00 % DDV vključen v ceno.

Najnižja cena: 0,00 € ()

Logotip Reval

Creative Logo

Profesionalni logotip in osnova celostne podobe


Spletna cena

22,00 % DDV vključen v ceno.

Najnižja cena: 0,00 € ()


Domino Mini Logo

Enostavni vektorski logotip


Spletna cena

22,00 % DDV vključen v ceno.

Najnižja cena: 0,00 € ()


Domino Slogan

Pravi slogan za vašo blagovno znamko


Spletna cena

22,00 % DDV vključen v ceno.

Najnižja cena: 0,00 € ()

Kostak oblikovne smernice 2021

Domino Trends

Vizualne smernice za prihodnje obdobje blagovne znamke


Spletna cena

22,00 % DDV vključen v ceno.

Najnižja cena: 0,00 € ()

Uradni podatki

Stopite v stik



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DominoCert Certifikat digitalne odličnosti
Domdesign, d. o. o.
Matična številka: 3531813000