21st century design practise
V studiu Domdesign ustvarjamo na temeljih dvajset-letnih izkušenj s področja spletnega in grafičnega oblikovanja ter razvoja blagovnih znamk. V koraku z novimi tehnologijami, s poznavanjem ter prilagajanjem potrebam sodobnih tržišč ustvarjamo presežke in ob uveljavljanju lastnih oblikovalskih smernic sooblikujemo vodilno linijo razvoja. Poleg kvalitetnih storitev smo razvili lasten poslovni spletni sistem DominoCMS, na katerem delujejo naše spletne strani in poslovanje.
Naš slogan Lepota Oblike je zagotovilo za kakovost, lepoto in uporabnost izdelkov, ki jih ustvarjamo.

At the crossroads of the civilization
Bringing the best of all worlds
We are located on the north from precise and engineering Germany and bordering to the Italian passion and design. We are the combination of both. Our country was for centuries a part of the Habsburg monarchy, where we have the touch with the best of classical arts.
We come out from the part of the world where western civilization was made and history. We are at the confluence of east and west Europe, north and south Europe, sourcing the best of all worlds. We have the perfect conditions to find influences and be the best.
Create a better World
The vision is to become global trendsetters in the web, information, digital design technologies as well as dictating the tempo in the world of design. Our goals are to create worldwide mainstream products not only in the industry, but also on the personal level. The goal is not the fact itself but the drive to actively contribute in shaping this world and creating the world of tomorrow. All our activities and products are aimed at creating new and improved solutions that help to optimize and and automate the world. We believe that progress is not the hill of destruction, but that we are only half way over and that the solution is a mountain to overcome, and the success lies over it.
March 2020 | Domain registrars for .si domain |
March 2020 | Acquisition of Domdesign.com domain |
October 2019 | DominoCMS 7.6 release |
June 2019 | LiteBox 2.0 App release |
January 2018 | New office in Krško, Slovenia |
November 2017 | Renaming to Domdesign, d. o. o. |
2015 | Full transition to Lepota Oblike |
2009 | Lepota Oblike private company established |
2007 | Independent contractor company established |
The idea to Create
Domdesign group is a result of the founders main idea - to create. The idea of being able to bring projects, ideas, concepts, movements and activities to life requested the need to become great masters of the craft engineers, developers, designers and architects. This ensued the practices of design and programming as becoming the motors of the services. Design as the visual and the programming as the underlying motor. Both in the service of information handling, visualisation and putting it to work.
From these activities products arose and the practices differentiated and hierarhically sorted int operfect and well oiled machine being able to bring any size projects and brands to life. And have through virtual work, real-world results.
The complete group’s top service level work in unison to create and bring resulting products and solutions to life.
The Leaders and Trendsetters
Create products people will use to change the World
Domdesign’s aim is to became the leader in development of own products as well as developing solutions for others. DominoCMS as the top CMS/IT solution for personal and professional users and the solution that will definitely influence and change the world to the better.
We aim to become trendsetters in the field of design and information technologies with our products and development and top studio in corporate identity and luxury design solutions.