Content modules and design templates

Unlimited options of content display

Advanced modules

Content modules and design templates

Library of assets to cover any need

Select from a vast library of content modules and design templates which span through different branches from health, real estate, banking, to event, city, tourism, hotels, engineering and many more.

The modules and templates are ready made and are prepared with all the necessary input fields, that will accomodate most of your presentation needs. All modules can be customised, integrated with external data or for advanced users completely made from scratch.


Full customization

The power of tailoring displayed content to you

All display modules and templates can be customized. Based on your needs we can customize an existing module and template with additions or we can construct a new module and template from scratch.

We analyse your activity, create a concept of your data flow, program the content input module, design the display template and add it to your application where you can start displaying it right away.

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Cert ID: 0001/00001

DominoCert Certificate of digital success
Domdesign, d. o. o.
Business Registration Number: 3531813000